Oct 30, 2018
Description: This show comes in two parts, an overview of the Vietnam War era by Dan, followed by a conversation with famed writer, historian and war correspondent Sir Max Hastings about his experience in Vietnam and his new book on the Vietnam War.
Show Notes:
Sep 24, 2018
Description: Imagine actual people living for real through the plot of several disaster and survival movies combined. That's what the crew of the USS Indianapolis experienced after it was torpedoed at the very end of the Second World War.
Show Notes:
1. "In Harm's Way: The Sinking of the U.S.S. Indianapolis and the...
Apr 12, 2018
Dan and the British Imperial War Museum's famed First World War historian Peter Hart talk about one of their favorite mutual interests...World War One.
The Last Battle: Victory, Defeat, and the End of World War I by
Peter Hart
The Great War: A Combat History of the First World War by Peter
Gallipoli by Peter...
Mar 8, 2018
Dan talks about history, war and philosophy (and where those three subject might converge) with Four-Star General and former U.S. Air Force Chief-of-Staff Merrill McPeak.
Roles and Missions by General Merrill A. McPeak
The Vietnam Chapters: Air Combat in Southeast Asia by General
Merrill A. McPeak
Below The Zone...